



In business, it sometimes feels like you’re expected to know everything. This expectation becomes a pressure – a fear of failure, a fear of judgement. It prevents you asking for help.

We believe businesses need to encourage people to grow and give them the confidence to seek support when they need it.  But this isn’t about simply putting staff on a training course. We start by learning about the values that are at the core of your business, and we listen to the challenges that are facing you and your teams. Only then, together, do we create a flexible strategy that connects to your purpose and enables you and your teams to implement mutually beneficial behavioural change.

We create custom-made programmes for your business that can be delivered via one-to-one sessions and in group settings, in interactive workshops and through motivational seminars.

Little Bird has a number of core offerings, created to address what we see as the most common issues faced by businesses today:-

In business, it sometimes feels like you’re expected to know everything. This expectation becomes a pressure – a fear of failure, a fear of judgement. It prevents you asking for help.

We believe businesses need to encourage people to grow and give them the confidence to seek support when they need it.  But this isn’t about simply putting staff on a training course. We start by learning about the values that are at the core of your business, and we listen to the challenges that are facing you and your teams. Only then, together, do we create a flexible strategy that connects to your purpose and enables you and your teams to implement mutually beneficial behavioural change.

We create custom-made programmes for your business that can be delivered via one-to-one sessions and in group settings, in interactive workshops and through motivational seminars.

Little Bird has a number of core offerings, created to address what we see as the most common issues faced by businesses today:-

The Core Concept

The Core Concept consists of four key pillars that are reflected at all levels of the organisation to ensure a congruent, consistent and purposeful approach to personal development;

Purpose  |  Identity  |   Culture  |  Brand

These pillars represent the fundamental requirements for an individual within your business to discover their true self and how they align to and impact upon their  environment. They will form the DNA of personal development within your business creating a robust foundation for all other development to be built upon.

Leading with Empathy  

We work with businesses to enable a more proactive approach towards mental health in the workplace.  The goal is to develop board members and leaders to identify, support and develop strategies to create an environment where employees feel supported and safe to share any mental health related challenges they are facing.

Little Bird believes that mental health should be recognised at board room level as a priority and to help businesses implement strategies to ensure the safeguarding of employee.

Women in Leadership

Despite the publication and recommendations of the Davies Report, a number of high profile speeches and multiple campaigns on gender equality, the UK is reported to only have 21% of senior roles held by women and its highest recorded proportion of businesses with no women in senior roles at 36%.

As a response to this, Little Birds has created a Female Empowerment Development Programme, which equips women with the tools to address limiting beliefs, gain clarity for their future careers and develop profiles for success.

Taking Control of your Career

Hierarchy in order to create structure and control has driven disempowerment due to speaking permission. Even our everyday language continues to enforce the message of power and ownership based on position “I work for rather than with”.

Although responsibility and accountability is necessary these subtleties of language create perceived limitations and obstacles to people taking control. Instead we tend to seek permission based on our perceived position.

Forward thinking organisations encourage and nurture progression whether that be for internal or external opportunities. The reality is we don’t ‘own’ people nor should we want to.


Values Based Coaching

Our values and beliefs influence the actions we take. We use them to rationalise our behaviour to ourselves and others. And they determine our level of satisfaction with our choices, even if decisions are not freely made but constrained by other factors.

Our values are key to understanding where we might fit in society, and they’re often a strong motivator for work. Little Bird takes a values-based approach to re-balance perspective and priorities with senior leaders enabling them to create a wellbeing culture and increase employee engagement.

Become a Corporate Partner

We have some wonderful organisations that are choosing to donate Little Chicks Life Lessons to their local schools as part of their CSR Programmes.

CSR is an essential part of the day to day operations of any organisation. Giving back in order to make a positive impact and contribute to sustainable development is key.

We have a responsibility to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits for everyone involved and we feel great about ourselves when we make a difference.

We’re sure you can see the amazing opportunity for your business in sharing your brand, raising your profile, enhancing your CSR impact on a global scale.

The direct impact of this project has already empowered thousands of children around the world. The ripple effects will empower thousands more not to mention all of the wonderful staff and partners involved.

So we’d love you to join the flock…

11 + 12 =

Become a Corporate Partner

We have some wonderful organisations that are choosing to donate Little Chicks Life Lessons to their local schools as part of their CSR Programmes.

CSR is an essential part of the day to day operations of any organisation. Giving back in order to make a positive impact and contribute to sustainable development is key.

We have a responsibility to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits for everyone involved and we feel great about ourselves when we make a difference.

We’re sure you can see the amazing opportunity for your business in sharing your brand, raising your profile, enhancing your CSR impact on a global scale.

The direct impact of this project has already empowered thousands of children around the world. The ripple effects will empower thousands more not to mention all of the wonderful staff and partners involved.

So we’d love you to join the flock…

5 + 12 =