
LITTLE BIRD is committed to monitoring and amending our approach to coaching, providing clients with both flexibility and security during COVID 19

These Coronavirus Terms and Conditions are to be read in conjunction with our existing and Terms and Conditions document. These will be in place from 1st June 2020.

These terms and conditions are in addition to the main terms and conditions and have been added in light of the Coronavirus Covid19 pandemic of 2020. All existing terms and conditions remain in place unless specifically noted below.

Little Bird is a COVID-19 Aware Business. We understand and adhere to best practices for staying as safe as possible during any face to face development sessions. The practices include:

• Maintaining 2 metres apart from clients (or 1 metre with risk mitigation where 2 metres is not viable)
• Washing hands and clean surfaces frequently
• Keeping to the proposed session times
• Leaving enough time between sessions for cleaning of surfaces
• Not sharing objects like pens
• Having hand sanitiser in meeting rooms

If any of the Little Bird team report any COVID-19 symptoms detailed on the current NHS or PHE list of COVID-19 symptoms we will need to postpone your coaching session and reschedule to a mutually convenient time. We ask the same of all of our clients.